Sunday, 18 August 2013


It is good to be asked to look at work that may not have had instant appeal to me - like Braque's art of the 1930's. But the more I studied his art and life this week the more interested I became . And it made me paint a study of a fruit bowl in his style  using watercolour to see what would emerge. Lesson learned, don't just glance and walk away but take time to get to really know a subject or an artist.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

trees and rock

I had been studying Cezanne's still life work for my degree but when I cane to do a tree and rock study in watercolour it looks as though he is my current muse !

Sunday, 4 August 2013

75 days - 75 sketches

There it has been for years - a desire to draw and paint - not just in textiles but with pen, paper,canvas, watercolour etc etc and very very slowly the desire has seen the daylight -  I was so moved when I heard David Hockney talk of his need to draw every day that I realised that if he needed to do that then so did I !
So   I decided to join this challenge of only using a pen sketch something every day for 75 days. And here I am on day 45 - trying to limit the sketch to 5- 10 minutes - fast and loose and fun ! I thought seeing my scribbles might encourage everyone to have a go - make a mark in life !

Sketches in London
  And then a sketch in Oxford.....

And finally a sketch back home !

Spinnaker Tower

I liked the contrast of texture and form - tower against the Portsmouth clouds.

Thursday, 1 August 2013


I have always loved the rocks on the beach and the various creatures that cling to them laughing at the incoming tide - here's a little piece I call "Barnacles in stitches" !