Tuesday 14 July 2015

The moment

There has been so many demands on our time and energy over the last months that already we are in the middle of July.  I feel a need to slow down , take time to reflect and so have decided now is the moment to fulfil a dream of really studying hand embroidery. I stay motivated when I have small  defined steps and so am joining in with a weekly challenge of learning or experimenting with one stitch a week at "Take a stitch Tuesday" You can follow the teaching resources and my own  efforts here or on my pinterest board https://www.pinterest.com/heronscroft/take-a-stitch-tuesday/

week 1 Fly Stitch
I sat in the orchard and marvelled at all the different grasses. So using a piece of vintage cotton |I had rust dyed I tried to replicate the forms just using fly stitch.
I felt very rusty myself hand embroidering ! But time seemed to slow and I enjoyed the process. I was reminded of the quote "The moment one gives close attention to any thing, even a blade of grass it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.

So I gave the piece a title "the moment"

Monday 2 March 2015

the rocks beneath our feet, the trees that surround us

Study nature. Love nature. Stay close to nature.
It will never fail you
~ Frank Lloyd Wright ~

I love this quote by Frank Lloyd Wright. One of the huge benefits I have gained from studying a fine art module for my textiles degree is the space and permission to be still and draw or paint my surroundings. We live in the most beautiful part of the world but life here, as for everyone else, has its fair share of stresses and deadlines. So time to stop and draw and really appreciate where we live is important for me. For Paul he is learning to slow down his process and ways of being a photographer. Great result in its own right, but also what has emerged from these past two months is a new collaborative venture - photography and textile design based on the rock formations we walk over each day and the Scottish forests we love. The new collection of fabrics is with the printer now and will be made into Infinity Scarves available in local galleries and at our online shop here http://www.studioinscape.com
We are really excited - each scarf is a one off design because we felt each tree and rock drawn and photographed is unique. Do hope you like the idea as much as we do.